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Child Development Associate Coursework (CDA)

The goal of Dickerson & Associates Education Services is to prepare participants to fulfill the requirements and pass the assessment of the Council for Professional Recognition.

Autism or a Mental Helth Concern...Whatever it is, let's calm down (Make and Take)

Best Practices: Creating an LGBT Inclusive School Climate

Books and Children

Building Parent Partnerships

Children with Special Needs - Understanding the Reactions and Impact of the Family

Classroom Strategies to Support Positive Behavior

CPR with Pediatric First Aid and AED (Infant, Child, and Adult)

Creating an Effective Lesson Plan

Creating Effective and Enriching Classroom Enviornments - Infant / Toddler or PreSchool

Curriculum and Learning Standards

Engaging Families

Families in Special Education

Trauma and it's Impact: From Embryo to Adult

Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Handwashing/Diapering Procedures

Health Issues in ECE (Asthma)

Health Issues in ECE (Basics)

Health Issues of School Aged Youth

In Development, What does Tempermant have to do with Behavior?

Inclusive Practices

Intergrating the Arts in ECE

Introduction to Autism

Introduction to Early Intervention - Infant / Toddler or PreSchool

Introduction to the Creative Curriculum

Introduction to Urban Education

Language Development - Infant / Toddlers or PreSchoolers

Lesson Planning

Music and Movement for ECE

Observation and Recording Techniques

Observation in a Group Setting

Perceptual Motor Skills

Phonological Awareness

Positive Behavior

Stress Management



Sensory Intergration

Special Needs in a Home-Based Setting

Supervision - PreSchool or Infant/ Toddler/ School Age

Teaching English Language Learners in ECE

The Developing Brain: What does the Research Say?

The Developing Child

The Value of Nutrition

What do Transitions have to do with it?

Writing Reports and Notes

Using Household Materials to Make Learning Fun

Why Children Play


How the Learning Enviornment Effects Behavior

Pedestrian Safety

Street Games to Support Brain and Physical Development

Marionette and Puppet Making (Make and Take)

Special ED!!! Ain't he a Rapper?

Heath and Safety Basics - Required 6 hr. training mandated by the federal government

CDA - Child Development Associate

Social / Emotional Development Associate


Beyond Babble; Exploring Early Language Development

Effective Parenting Techniques

Schedules and Routines

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1274 Providence Rd

Secane, PA 19018


© 2018 Dickerson & Associates Education Services

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